Random things from this week:
Flu shots, free t-shirts from Harley Davidson, super fast grocery trip on Monday. We also were able to talk with an investigator and teach him the Restoration on his door step and we talked to him about how our message is for families and we now have an appointment set up to teach his family and him.
We went on exchange in Robinswood in Bellevue with our STLs. Sister Anderson and Sister Olsen went over and met this lady who does art inside of the Book of Mormon and paints the pages. She has a blog called scripturefun.com and she watercolors in her Book of Mormon! We also went on a mini exchange in Totem Lake and it was great to be able to be in their area working with them. It was cool to see what happens when other sisters take the stewardship in their area, follow promptings, and see a miracle!
We had to go to both Zone Conferences because we were doing those trainings. Mine was on prayer, and the overall theme of it was that many people pray, but few people actually lose themselves in prayer. Matthew 16:25 and this quote were my focus: "Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder." I think that we are often doing too much to search for answers to questions that are in our heart. We do have to study it out, but I think that the answer isn't always going to come in the way that we expect it to. Our attitude is what's most important. I've been trying to focus my prayers outside myself and I've surprisingly received more personal revelation than ever! In losing myself, I am finding myself! the butterfly has been making a ton of appearances. It's awesome sauce.
We also had an amazing lesson with an investigator and we talked a lot about our path to God and focused most importantly on where we are because she tends to lose confidence when she compares herself to others around her. It was a great spirit filled lesson and she committed to read the Book of Mormon!
We went on an exchange with Sammamish and it twas a day full of finding. Sometimes you look at those days and think they're going to be hard, but it was awesome to just go out and talk to people after a week of meetings and exchanges outside our area! It's good to get stuff done!
Suday was a super busy day. We talked with an investigator and recommitted him to pray. We also had a good conversation with a man named Fred. He lives in the forest and talks about bug freeways and coyotes. He had some pretty crazy ideas about Paul and about people in general but we are gonna go back and talk with him next week.
Sorry this is scattered. Have a wonderful week everyone!
Sister Jenne
P.S. we also got called Burt and Ernie by some members”
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